Saturday, February 22, 2020

Critical analysis of Last Night(Page 537) and The Flea (Page 504) in Essay

Critical analysis of Last Night(Page 537) and The Flea (Page 504) in The Norton Introduction to Literature, Eleventh Edition - Essay Example By characterizing the situation each is confronted with, the speakers manage to depict the meaning of love and intimacy with their respective lovers and the insights they have of these themes in the stimulating language of passion, filled with thematic symbols and images. At the onset of â€Å"The Flea†, the passionate man who sounds as though he were relishing the state of aggressive youth expresses â€Å"Mark but this flea, and mark in this, / How little that which thou deniest me is; / It sucked me first, and now sucks thee, / And in this flea our two bloods mingled be†. ‘Flea’ plays an essential role from the beginning as he makes use of it to fill in the void between him and the woman of his dreams just nearby for the bite of the flea, being infectious as it may seem by nature, serves to open up a sign of connection. Since the flea dips from one blood onto the next, it comes with ease to imagine how life may be upon another though this is too subtle a case herein, as the man is caught in desperately trying to convince his love to agree on accepting him into an intimate bond. He may be felt with a consuming level of desire in the manner by which he utters the phrases ‘sucked me’ and ‘sucks theeâ€⠄¢ so that the reader is tickled into a playful thought of love-making. The male speaker proceeds to explicate in the second stanza: â€Å"Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, / Where we almost, nay more than married are. / This flea is you and I, and this / Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is†. In this part, the flea is made to symbolize an embodiment that holds them as one and out of such tiny creature, the man constructs an impossibly larger world, signifying the flea in a metaphor with ‘marriage bed’ and ‘marriage temple’. Apparently, by opting for the word ‘marriage’ to be a common modifier on bed and temple, he alludes that he is not merely flirting with the woman for whom he feels deeply and madly at the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Toolkit for Public Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Toolkit for Public Management - Case Study Example Organizations are thus faced with the challenge to of responding effectively, remain flexible and to transform themselves to the new working and modern environment (Iveta, 2013). Managers accomplish organizational goals through the process defining goals, organizing structures and motivating their accomplices from time to time. Public administration and the public management have been changing rapidly in the past decades in response new global environment (Dixon, 1998; Janine, 2007; Sitala, 2013). The managers and the public administrators have a crucial role of translating into strategies the policies set by governments and the ways to implement them. Large bureaucracies like government agencies find strategy execution accompanied with change that often raises barriers and difficulties leading to problems for managers. The manager According to Garry (2012), the manager is an important person in public management since the success or the failure of the organization evolves around him . Emotional intelligence is diligently tied to management usefulness and eventually to the organization behavior in his capacity. A manger performance is highly influenced by self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills hence he should have a good grasp of emotional intelligence (Dixon, 1998). According to Martha (2005), successful organizations are led by managers who are visionary, with a clear understanding of the organization's mission statement in a proper manner. The manager thus has a responsibility to lead his team in developing the mission statement (O’Leary and Vij, 2012), and to ensure that everyone focuses on the organization's main purpose of the mission (Milita and Ramune). The manager is also entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the vision of the organization is fully implemented within the stipulated periods by breaking it down to specific achievable goals. The manager helps the workers to recognize how they should perf orm their duties and responsibilities in relation to the overall goal of the organization. Dynamic organizations are forever changing and the manager role is to help facilitate the through their role as change agents to ensure development and sustainability of the organization (Quinn, Faerman, Thompson, McGrath, 2008). This is possible when a manager fully understands and accepts the need to change and convey this rationale to the staff. Managers who are visionary constantly mentor their staff by recognizing talent and grooming the selected employees for additional responsibility from time to time (Siltala, 2013). Managers are also responsible for evaluating all the information when it is received, and to determine who should receive what information and how to communicate it to ensure stability within the organization (Petronela, 2012). Decision-making is the biggest responsibility of management (Gary, 2012; Wilson, 2013), and it should be done constantly as issues arise and it inv olves negotiation with the people concerned to ensure effective leadership (Hansen, Steen and Jong, 2013). A vital management role involves interpersonal relationships in order to win the trust of his subordinates to ensure smooth working in the organization. This is because employees are more productive when the