Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should College Tuition Be Paid - 981 Words

Tuition fees have always been a complaint to people who are paying and attending college, most say it is too expensive, some say it should be free. Is that a good way to go? Making college something that anyone could attend? Some say that free college would allow students that are less fortunate, wealth wise, to attend college and have hope for a better future. College plays a very important role in the economy and in my opinion, I certainly believe that college tuition is there for certain reasons. The reasons for high tuition costs will not be discussed but the reason for it will be: Making tuition free would cause taxes to rise significantly due to the government owning higher education, It would feel like public high school again, having no motivation to do anything, Free higher education still wouldn’t get everyone to go to college. At first, free education sounds nice because of european countries doing it, but in turn, it would ruin our country as a whole. One of the many problems with making college free is that college, in time, needs to be paid for by someone or something. With the government having the idea that college should be free, these same people wouldn’t be taking the hard payment; You would, through government taxes. As Alex Groves says in his article, â€Å"Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a free ride. Every program requires a source of funding, and free education is no different.† (para 5). Groves is a college student himself working on his last yearShow MoreRelatedShould College Tuition Be Paid?1687 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish 102 2 December 2015 Being Able to Afford College Throughout all of high school, and especially during their senior year, the only thing students seem to hear about is college. They have to attend tours, fill out application after application and decide what school will be best for them as a person and their career path. But what most people seem to stress over more than anything else is being able to actually pay for college. College tuition is high in price and increases every year, makingRead MoreShould College Tuition Be Paid?884 Words   |  4 PagesIn America college tuition has quadrupled in the last 35 years. College administrators like to tell the story that baby boomers paid their college tuition from the money they made during summer break. A few years later colleges decided to raise tuition price because people wanted to get a college degree. Colleges were seeing that people wanted to go to college they decided to raise the prices and make business out of it. In Germany, however college tuition is free, and by doing thi s Germany getsRead MoreCollege Tuition Should Not Be Paid960 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to MyBudget360, college tuition has skyrocketed over four hundred percent since 1984. Now, the average tuition rate for private universities in America is over $31,000 and over $9,000 for public universities. Not only that, but thirty-seven million Americans have outstanding student debt and thirty-seven percent of college students look for a job requiring no higher than a high school diploma AFTER they graduate. Tuition has tripled, graduates have outstanding student debt, and in additionRead MoreAthletes Should Not Be Paid1494 Words   |  6 PagesThrough the dedication and performance of these athletes, speculations have aroused that athletes should begin to receive pay. Some people believe that collegiate athletes should be paid due to their performance as professional sport athletes do. The idea may sound fruitful, but it also poses many problems. I believe that collegiate athletes sh ould not be paid due to the scholarships available, the yearly college budget, and the decreases in interest in grades. Student athletes have the ability to receiveRead MoreAthletes Should Not Be Paid1496 Words   |  6 PagesThrough the dedication and performance of these athletes, speculations have aroused that athletes should begin to receive pay. Some people believe that colligate athletes should be paid due to their performance as professional sport athletes do. The idea may sound fruitful, but it also poses many problems. I believe that colligate athletes should not be paid due to the scholarships available, the yearly college budget, and the decreases in interest in grades. Student athletes have the ability to receiveRead MoreNCAA aAhletes and Pay 1142 Words   |  5 PagesShould college student-athletes be paid has become a much debated topic. The incentive for a student-athlete to play a college sport should not be for money, but for the love of the game. It has been argued that colleges are making money and therefore the student-athlete should be compensated. When contemplating college income from sporting events and memorabilia from popular sports, such as football and basketball, it must not be forgotten that colleges do incur tremendous expense for all theirRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Not Be Paid1203 Words   |  5 Pages College athletes receive many benefits while playing for the school of their choice. The endorsements for playing a division 1 college sport is obscene. The college athletes receive many compensations for playing a college sport including free tuition, textbooks, housing, and meal plans. Therefore college athletes should not be paid a salary for playing a sport. These college athletes are in a sense already receiving payment for their commitment to the team, due to the high tuition rate in collegesRead MoreAffordability Of Our Education : Is A College Education Worth The Cost?1729 Words   |  7 Pagesfew decades the tuition fee for most public and private colleges increased by 250 percent while income increased by 16 percent (Politico, 2013). The statistics have since then become a trend that has now evolved each year, hence; making it difficult for parents to send their children to school that can cause them to miss out on great opportunities (Dorfman, 2013). According to Justine Draeger (2009) â€Å"With the cost of college rising, many have asked a central question: Is a college education worthRead MoreStudent Athletes Should Not Be Paid934 Words   |  4 Pagessomebody to work two fulltime jobs and not get paid for it. Nobody would think it would be fair to work so hard and not receive any form of compensation. This is exactly what is happening to student athletes. Student athletes are not only fulltime students, but also are fulltime athletes. There are two very decisive sides to this argument. On one side the NCAA claims that the student athletes are amateurs and cannot be paid. They also claim they are paid in other ways such as a full ride scholarshipRead MoreCollege Tuition Should Be Regulated915 Words   |  4 PagesAs a freshman college student I believe that college tuition is much higher compared to what it used to be. One reason why it continues to increase is mainly because of the significant amount of loans that are borrowed by college students but are not getting paid back; however, does anyone ever wonder where does the money that is put into colleges go to? College professors are not the reason that college cost so much; in addition to, the money also goes towards sport teams, scholarships, and construction

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