Monday, May 25, 2020

The Admirable Angelina Jolie - 766 Words

Angelina Jolie is a very admirable female actress born in Los Angeles California, someone many people look up to. She is not only an amazing actress but also someone very involved with helping the needy. She travels around the world to help out other countries who are struggling to survive and live a normal life. Not like many other actresses she donates a lot of the money she makes to charities and organizations. Angelina Jolie is an inspiring actress in so many ways, she helps out with charity, has earned a Humanitarian Award, and even became a Goodwill Ambassador. Angelina Jolie donates a significant amount of money to charities and over twenty countries. Both Angelina and her husband Brad Pitt donate at least one third of what they make a year and with the both of them together they donate millions. In 2006 both Jolie and Pitt donated over 8 million dollars. (Silverman, 2008). She helps out many countries that have been seriously damaged because of natural disasters. She has helped Haiti, Cambodia, Libya, Kenya, Iraq, and those are only just a few. She supports over twenty-nine different charities and has even made up her own charities and foundations. (Ramsdale, 2013). Jolie and her husband Pitt sold their pictures of their newborn twins for 14 million dollars and with that money they used it to help their foundation they made up called â€Å"The Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation†. (Ramsdale, 2013). According to People Jolie and Pitt gave â€Å"Additional gifts included $137,935 toShow MoreRelatedThe Similarities between Angelina Jolie an d Beowulf Essay822 Words   |  4 Pagesothers and do their best to create a change in the world. Beowulf, an extraordinary warrior in the Anglo Saxon period, is an epic hero because of his pride, strength and courage. He fought many battles in order to protect the Danes from chaos. Angelina Jolie, like Beowulf, is a hero because she defeats every impediment to help and fight against inequality. Heroes do not wait still in one place. Heroes step beyond frontiers to provide hope and help to those who have none. Heroes even makeRead MoreCelebrities Provide Poor Role Models for Children1044 Words   |  5 Pagesand their influence positively or negatively on children. Throughout the world celebrities are role models to many people. Nauta and Kokaly (1999) define role models as â€Å"other person’s who, either by exerting some influence or simply by being admirable in one or more ways, have an impact on another†. In these modern times of excessive media coverage and the easy access of the World Wide Web celebrities are never far from our attention. Their lives are closely followed by every tabloid making itRead MoreThe Concept Of The American Family2188 Words   |  9 Pagestimes is Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. For some people, they are considered a not-so-traditional family, but in other people’s eyes they are flawless. Jolie and Pitt have more than a handful of adopted kids and each one of them come from a different background, but this doesn’t change their view on family, and neither should ours change. A family is always there for one another no matter what, and any individual can clearly see how much love runs t hrough one another in the famous and admirable familyRead MoreImportance Of Federalism And How The United States Structure Is Based Upon This Form Of Government2428 Words   |  10 Pagesbefore as a colony under the rule of Britain as they do now under the rule of the current American government. Thus, something had to be done and Daniel Shay did what he and his constituents thought was necessary, and I think Daniel Shay is an admirable and respectable American gangster that should at least possess a holiday or day of remembrance in the state of Massachusetts (if not nationally) even though it will never happen due to the atypical portrayed perspective that Daniel Shay was a â€Å"badRead MoreFight Club Essay2874 Words   |  12 Pageseach exhibit impressive athletic talent and admirable theatrical adaptation respectively: Britain’s footballer and model David Beckham and the Fight Club movie’s own Tyler Durden’s character in Brad Pitt. With their charming go od looks, their closely-followed and chronicled careers; not to mention their equally glamorous and accomplished wives in Beckham’s Victoria Adams of the Spice Girls’ fame and Pitt’s multitalented and respected actress in Angelina Jolie; these public figures also serve as effective

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